Thursday, Feb 27, 2025

We welcome the New Moon in Pisces today, February 27 at (7:44 PM ET).

As you know, New Moons mark the start of a new lunar cycle, a chance to plant seeds for the month ahead, whether it’s towards a larger goal or a short-term one. Given that Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, this New Moon marks a lunar cycle focused on all that we’ve experienced and learned over the last 11 months. It’s a culmination of all those lessons, helping us pave the path forward with insight and wisdom.

This Pisces New Moon is special for a number of reasons. It’s the last time we’ll experience Neptune nearby in Pisces (where it’s been since 2011). This is also the first New Moon in Pisces in 18 years where North Node is in Pisces again, as it opens the upcoming eclipse portal with this particular lunation. We are entering an unpredictable and transformative moment in the year, with much breakthroughs, fast changes and shifts of fate to come.

Pisces is where everything ends and begins, a liminal time connecting together the past, present and future. Things are meant to feel unclear so that we can surrender to what we feel and know within, and in connection to Higher Consciousness (and the Divine). This isn’t about throwing logic and facts out the door, but to also find the balance with our intuition and spiritual connection.

May we navigate this lunar cycle by strengthening our capacity to flow with what comes and let go of our need for control. May we learn to soften into the unfolding of our life’s journey while cultivating faith in divine timing and in the unseen forces of Truth and Love that guide and protect us. And may we release our attachment to predictability (as safety) and embrace the ever-shifting nature of life.

If you’re interested in my New Moon astro-tarot messages for your Sun and Rising signs, you can join the Cosmic Sanctuary membership to receive them.

Sending care and New Moon blessings,



Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025