I founded Aatash 7 years ago, a year into having my child. I was being nudged to share with others the energy medicine and spiritual guidance that was helping me live a better, healthier, and more complete life. You see, I’m a highly sensitive intuitive with a unique way of processing information that doesn't always fit in with, and at the pace of societal "norms." I’ve been this way ever since I can remember - and navigating life with my sensitivities hasn’t always been easy, especially given my childhood/adolescent trauma. So unsurprisingly, I have navigated life with experiences of depression, anxiety and a chronic health challenge. I reached my lowest point in my late twenties when on my really bad days, I felt like I wasn’t going to make it. I was so familiar with this state of internal suffering and could not imagine otherwise for myself. Things began to shift once I opened myself to the possibility of healing. It’s been almost 15 years now since I began a healing journey, and a spiritual awakening, that has brought me the type of inner peace I couldn’t have imagined before. My toughest moments have given me deep insight into the healing process. And they have shown me that healing is not just a mental and physical experience, but also (and especially) a spiritual one. Along the way, I’ve learned to use my intuitive gifts to bring the type of holistic healing to my life that makes sense to me, that feels right. So even when challenging moments arise (which they still do, of course, because life is life!), I am able to navigate my emotions, and find grounding and guidance to get through with more ease (and less suffering). Astrology, energy-work and divination arts are tools I use in my daily life to not only stay well, but to cultivate self-compassion, self-love, and to feel aligned and whole. And my wish, and entire reason for starting Aatash, is for others to also cultivate healing and wellness in their life, and to choose to live their truth.

with care,

Hi, I’m Shadi.


  • Certified Reiki Master Teacher (Usui Lineage)

  • Certified Sekhem (Level II) Practitioner

  • Registered Practitioner with the Canadian Reiki Association (15-045)

  • Holistic Practitioner (City of Toronto)

  • Member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals 

  • Masters of Arts, Social Anthropology, York University